  • +919315612077

Terms Conditions

Terms Conditions

who we are

Mission:- the mission of ferish healthcare is to provide innovative and customized healthcare service to patients and visitors of all ages from throughout the world offering the best tourist programs with the most appropriate price in order to make them feel the comfort of their homes.


  • Efficient and quick access to medical information and health services
  • Ensuring safe and successful recovery of patients by providing world class healthcare facility at a cost effective mode.
  • Assisting individuals and families to make the best decision regarding their health.

Patient's Rights

  • All patients have the right to receive considerate and appropriate medical care for their problem without regard to considerations such as race, color, religion, national origin, disability or the source of payment for their care.
  • All patients have the right to know the name and professional status of the physician who is responsible of their care.
  • All patients have the right to obtain from their physicians current and understandable information about their clinical condition, treatment choices and potential benefits, risks and expected outcomes.
  • All patients have the right to make informed choices about their health care. They have the right to receive information from their physicians that is necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of a medical procedure and/or treatment. They may accept or refuse treatment for any or all of the care offered.
  • All patients have the right to personal privacy, safety, security and confidentiality.
  • All patients have the right to have private and confidential medical records except as otherwise provided by law or upon the patient's written authorization.
  • All patients have the right to be treated respectfully by others and to be addressed by their proper names without undue familiarity, to be listened to when they have a question, and receive an appropriate response.
  • All patients have the right to receive courteous attention from all personnel when they request help, with the understanding that other patients may have similar or more urgent needs.
  • All patients have the right to communicate with any person or persons of their choice, including but not limited to physicians, administrators, nurses at any reasonable hour.
  • All patients have the right to know about the policies and procedures related to patient care.


Patient's Responsibilities

  • Patients are responsible to follow instructions and recommendations provided by their physicians.
  • Patients are expected to provide complete and accurate information about their medical history.
  • Patients are expected to treat staff members and other patients with respect and consideration.
  • Patients are expected to be fully responsible for the consequence of refusing treatment.
  • Patients are expected to fulfill the financial obligations ensuing from their medical treatment.